Source code for bgpranking.helper_global
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import datetime
import redis
from dateutil import parser
import constraints as c
__global_db = None
__history_db = None
__config_db = None
__history_db_cache = None
# Tunnel: ssh remote_instance -L 6379:remote_instance:6379
# Default responses
## NOK
__unknown_asn = {'return_code': 0, 'return_vebose': 'Unknown ASN'}
__no_ranks = {'return_code': 0,
'return_vebose': 'No ranks in this timeframe.'}
__unknown_block = {'return_code': 0,
'return_vebose': 'Unable to find this IP block.'}
## OK
__ranks = {'return_code': 1, 'return_vebose': 'Got ranks.'}
__owner = {'return_code': 1, 'return_vebose': 'Got owner name.'}
[docs]def get_all_weights(date = None):
Get the weights for all the sources.
:param date: Date of the information (default: last ranked day)
:rtype: Dictionary
.. note:: Format of the dictionary:
.. code-block:: python
source: date,
if date is None:
date = get_default_date()
sources = daily_sources([date])
impacts = __config_db.mget(sources)
return dict(zip(sources, impacts))
[docs]def daily_sources(dates):
Get the sources parsed during a list of dates
:param dates: List of dates
:rtype: Set of sources for each date
if len(dates) == 1:
return __global_db.smembers('{date}|sources'.format(date = dates[0]))
p = __global_db.pipeline(False)
[p.smembers('{date}|sources'.format(date = date)) for date in dates]
return p.execute()
[docs]def prepare_sources_by_dates(last_day = None, timeframe = None):
Get a dictionary of sources by dates.
:param last_day: Last day of the interval
:param timeframe: size of the interval
:rtype: Dictionary
.. note:: Format of the dictionary:
.. code-block:: python
date: [source1, source2, ...],
dates = __dates_interval(last_day, timeframe)
sources = daily_sources(dates)
if len(dates) == 1:
return {dates[0]: sources}
return dict(zip(dates, sources))
[docs]def get_sources_by_dates(sources, last_day = None, timeframe = None):
Get a dictionary of sources by dates. Only with the sources passed
in parameter IF they exist for the day.
:param sources: List of sources
:param last_day: Last day of the interval
:param timeframe: size of the interval
:rtype: Dictionary
.. note:: Format of the dictionary:
.. code-block:: python
date: [source1, source2, ...],
dates = __dates_interval(last_day, timeframe)
p = __global_db.pipeline(False)
for date in dates:
[p.sismember('{date}|sources'.format(date = date), source)
for source in sources]
exists = p.execute()
i = 0
to_return = {}
for date in dates:
if to_return.get(date) is None:
to_return[date] = []
for source in sources:
if exists[i]:
i += 1
return to_return
[docs]def last_seen_sources(date_sources):
Get the last time a source has been seen.
:param dates_sources: Dictionaries of the dates and sources
.. note:: Format of the dictionary:
.. code-block:: python
YYYY-MM-DD: [source1, source2, ...],
YYYY-MM-DD: [source1, source2, ...],
:rype: Dictionary
.. note:: Format of the dictionary:
.. code-block:: python
source: date,
last_seen = {}
for date in sorted(date_sources.iterkeys(), reverse = True):
for source in date_sources[date]:
if last_seen.get(source) is None:
last_seen[source] = date
return last_seen
[docs]def asn_exists(asn):
Check if the ASN exists in the database.
return __global_db.exists(asn)
[docs]def get_default_date():
Get the latest ranked day.
return __get_default_date_raw().isoformat()
def __prepare():
global __global_db
global __history_db
global __config_db
global __history_db_cache
__global_db = redis.Redis(port = c.redis_port, db = c.redis_db_global,
host = c.redis_hostname)
__history_db = redis.Redis(port = c.redis_port, db = c.redis_db_history,
host = c.redis_hostname)
__config_db = redis.Redis(port = c.redis_port, db = c.redis_db_config,
host = c.redis_hostname)
__history_db_cache = redis.Redis(port = c.redis_cached_port,
db = c.redis_cached_db_history, host = c.redis_hostname)
def __get_default_date_raw():
Get the default date displayed on the website.
timestamp = __history_db.get('latest_ranking')
delta = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
if timestamp is not None:
default_date_raw = parser.parse(timestamp.split()[0]).date() - delta
default_date_raw = - delta
return default_date_raw
def __dates_interval(last_day = None, timeframe = None):
if last_day is None:
last_day = __get_default_date_raw()
last_day = parser.parse(last_day).date()
if timeframe is None:
timeframe = c.default_timeframe
return [(last_day - datetime.timedelta(days=i)).isoformat()
for i in range(timeframe)]