# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Entry point of the API
import IPy
#import datetime
import helper_global as h
import constraints as c
__owner_cache = {}
[docs]def get_daily_rank_multiple_asns(asns, date, source):
Get the ranks of a list of ASNs for one day and one source.
:param asns: list of ASNs
:param date: date of the rank (format: YYYY-MM-DD)
:param source: name of the source for the rank
:rtype: list of rank by ASN
.. note:: Format of the output:
.. code-block:: python
(asn1, rank),
(asn2, rank),
string = '|{date}|{source}|rankv{ip_version}'.format(date = date,
source = source, ip_version = c.ip_version)
to_get = ['{asn}{string}'.format(asn = asn, string = string)
for asn in asns]
if len(to_get) == 0:
return []
return zip(asns, h.__history_db.mget(to_get))
[docs]def get_all_ranks_single_asn(asn, dates_sources, with_details_sources=False):
Get all the ranks on a timeframe for a single ASN.
:param asn: Autonomous System Number
:param dates_sources: Dictionaries of the dates and sources
.. note:: Format of the dictionary:
.. code-block:: python
YYYY-MM-DD: [source1, source2, ...],
YYYY-MM-DD: [source1, source2, ...],
:param with_details_sources: Returns the details by sources if True
:rype: Dictionary
.. note:: Format of the output:
.. code-block:: python
(source1, rank),
(source2, rank),
'total': sum_of_ranks
The details key is only present if ``with_details_sources``
is True.
to_return = {}
if not h.asn_exists(asn):
return to_return
string = '{asn}|{date}|{source}|rankv{ip_version}'
p = h.__history_db.pipeline()
for date, sources in dates_sources.iteritems():
if len(sources) > 0:
p.mget([string.format(asn=asn, date=date, source=source,
ip_version = c.ip_version) for source in sources])
ranks = p.execute()
i = 0
for date, sources in dates_sources.iteritems():
impacts = h.get_all_weights(date)
if len(sources) > 0:
to_return[date] = {}
sources_ranks = zip(sources, ranks[i])
if with_details_sources:
to_return[date].update({'details': sources_ranks})
to_return[date].update({'total' : 0})
for s, r in sources_ranks:
if r is not None:
to_return[date]['total'] += float(r) * float(impacts[s])
i += 1
return to_return
[docs]def get_all_ranks_all_asns(dates_sources, with_details_sources = False):
Get all ranks for all the ASNs on a timeframe.
:param dates_sources: Dictionaries of the dates and sources
.. note:: Format of the dictionary:
.. code-block:: python
YYYY-MM-DD: [source1, source2, ...],
YYYY-MM-DD: [source1, source2, ...],
:param with_details_sources: Also returns the ranks by sources
:rype: Dictionary
.. note:: Format of the dictionary:
.. code-block:: python
asn1 :
(source1, rank),
(source2, rank),
'total': sum_of_ranks
The details key is only present if ``with_details_sources``
is True.
asns_keys = []
# prepare the keys to get all the asns by date and source
for date, sources in dates_sources.iteritems():
asns_keys.extend(['{date}|{source}|asns'.format(date = date,
source = source) for source in sources])
# get it
p = h.__global_db.pipeline(False)
[p.smembers(k) for k in asns_keys]
asns_list = p.execute()
asns = set.union(*asns_list)
to_return = {}
for asn in asns:
details = get_all_ranks_single_asn(asn, dates_sources,
for date, entries in details.iteritems():
if to_return.get(date) is None:
to_return[date] = {}
to_return[date][asn] = entries
return to_return
[docs]def get_owner(asn, block):
Get the description of the ASN (usually the owner name).
:param asn: Autonomous System Number
:param block: IP Block you are looking for
:rtype: List
.. note:: Format of the list:
.. code-block:: python
[asn, block, owner]
global __owner_cache
if __owner_cache.get(asn) is None:
if not h.asn_exists(asn):
return h.unknown_asn
timestamps = h.__global_db.smembers(asn)
t_keys = [ '{asn}|{t}|ips_block'.format(asn = asn, t = t)
for t in timestamps]
temp_blocks = h.__global_db.mget(t_keys)
__owner_cache[asn] = zip(timestamps, temp_blocks)
owner = None
for ts, temp_block in __owner_cache[asn]:
if temp_block==block:
owner = h.__global_db.get('{asn}|{t}|owner'.format(asn = asn,
t = ts))
return [asn, block, owner]
[docs]def get_asn_descs(asn, date = None, sources = None):
Get all what is available in the database about an ASN for one day
:param asn: Autonomous System Number
:param date: Date of the information (default: last ranked day)
:param sources: List of sources (default: the available sources
at ``date``)
:rtype: Dictionary
.. note:: Format of the dictionary:
.. code-block:: python
'date': date,
'sources': [source1, source2, ...],
'asn': asn,
(timestamp, block, descr),
(timestamp, block, descr),
'owner': owner_description,
'ip_block': block,
'nb_of_ips': nb,
'sources': [source1, source2, ...]
'rank': subnet_rank
if not h.asn_exists(asn):
# The ASN does not exists in the database
return None
if date is None:
date = h.get_default_date()
day_sources = h.daily_sources([date])
if sources is None:
sources = list(day_sources)
sources = list(day_sources.intersection(set(sources)))
to_return = {'date': date, 'sources': sources, 'asn': asn, asn: {}}
for timestamp in h.__global_db.smembers(asn):
# Get the number of IPs found in the database for each subnet
asn_timestamp_key = '{asn}|{timestamp}|'.format(asn = asn,
timestamp = timestamp)
p = h.__global_db.pipeline(False)
date = date, source=source)) for source in sources]
ips_by_sources = p.execute()
nb_of_ips = sum(ips_by_sources)
key_owner = '{asn_ts}owner'.format(asn_ts = asn_timestamp_key)
key_block = '{asn_ts}ips_block'.format(asn_ts = asn_timestamp_key)
key_clean_set = '{asn}|{date}|clean_set'.format(asn = asn, date = date)
owner, ip_block = h.__global_db.mget([key_owner, key_block])
if nb_of_ips > 0:
impacts = h.get_all_weights(date)
# Compute the local ranking: the ranking if this subnet is the
# only one for this AS
i = 0
sum_rank = 0
sources_exists = []
for source in sources:
sum_rank += float(ips_by_sources[i])*float(impacts[source])
if ips_by_sources[i] != 0:
i += 1
local_rank = sum_rank / IPy.IP(ip_block).len()
to_return[asn][timestamp] = {'owner': owner,
'ip_block': ip_block, 'nb_of_ips': nb_of_ips,
'sources': sources_exists, 'rank': local_rank}
elif ip_block in h.__history_db.smembers(key_clean_set):
if to_return[asn].get('clean_blocks') is None:
to_return[asn]['clean_blocks'] = []
(timestamp, ip_block, owner))
# Not announced anymore.
if to_return[asn].get('old_blocks') is None:
to_return[asn]['old_blocks'] = []
(timestamp, ip_block, owner))
return to_return
[docs]def get_ips_descs(asn, asn_timestamp, date = None, sources = None):
Get all what is available in the database about an subnet for one day
:param asn: Autonomous System Number
:param asn_timestamp: First the subnet has been seen in the db
(for this ASN)
:param date: Date of the information (default: last ranked day)
:param sources: List of sources (default: the available sources
at ``date``)
:rtype: Dictionary
.. note:: Format of the dictionary:
.. code-block:: python
'date': date,
'sources': [source1, source2, ...],
'asn': asn,
'timestamp': asn_timestamp
ip: [source1, source2, ...],
if date is None:
date = h.get_default_date()
day_sources = h.daily_sources([date])
if sources is None:
sources = list(day_sources)
sources = list(day_sources.intersection(set(sources)))
asn_timestamp_key = '{asn}|{timestamp}|{date}|'.format(asn = asn,
timestamp = asn_timestamp, date = date)
pipeline = h.__global_db.pipeline(False)
asn_ts = asn_timestamp_key, source=source))
for source in sources]
ips_by_source = pipeline.execute()
i = 0
to_return = {'date': date, 'sources': sources, 'asn': asn,
'timestamp': asn_timestamp, asn_timestamp: {}}
for source in sources:
ips = ips_by_source[i]
for ip_details in ips:
ip, timestamp = ip_details.split('|')
if to_return[asn_timestamp].get(ip) is None:
to_return[asn_timestamp][ip] = [source]
i += 1
return to_return
[docs]def get_stats():
Return amount of asn and subnets found by source, for all the
cached days.
:rtype: Dictionary
.. note:: Format of the Dictionary
.. code-block:: python
source : [nb_asns, nb_subnets],
'total_asn': total_asn
'total_subnets': total_subnets
dates = sorted(h.__history_db_cache.smembers('all_dates'))
dates_sources = dict(zip(dates, h.daily_sources(dates)))
to_return = {}
p = h.__global_db.pipeline(False)
for date, sources in dates_sources.iteritems():
to_return[date] = {}
for source in sources:
current_key = '{date}|{source}|asns'.format(date = date,
source = source)
p.scard(current_key + '_details')
cards = p.execute()
i = 0
for date, sources in dates_sources.iteritems():
to_return[date] = {'sources': {}}
total_asn = 0
total_subnets = 0
for source in sources:
nb_asns = cards[i]
nb_subnets = cards[i+1]
total_asn += nb_asns
total_subnets += nb_subnets
{source: (nb_asns, nb_subnets)})
i = i+2
to_return[date]['total_asn'] = total_asn
to_return[date]['total_subnets'] = total_subnets
return to_return
# Need cached data
[docs]def cache_get_daily_rank(asn, source = 'global', date = None):
**From the temporary database**
Get a single rank.
:param asn: Autonomous System Number
:param source: Source to use. global is the aggregated view for
all the sources
:param date: Date of the information (default: last ranked day)
:rtype: List
.. note:: Format of the list
.. code-block:: python
[asn, date, source, rank]
if date is None:
date = h.get_default_date()
histo_key = '{date}|{source}|rankv{ip_version}'.format(
date = date, source = source, ip_version = c.ip_version)
return asn, date, source, h.__history_db_cache.zscore(histo_key, asn)
[docs]def cache_get_top_asns(source = 'global', date = None, limit = 50,
with_sources = True):
**From the temporary database**
Get worse ASNs.
:param source: Source used to rank the ASNs. global is the
aggregated view for all the sources
:param date: Date of the information (default: last ranked day)
:param limit: Number of ASNs to get
:param with_sources: Get the list of sources where each ASN has
been found.
:rtype: Dictionary
.. note:: Format of the Dictionary
.. code-block:: python
'source': source,
'date': date,
((asn, rank), set([source1, source2, ...])),
The set of sources is only presetn if ``with_sources``
is True
if date is None:
date = h.get_default_date()
histo_key = '{date}|{histo_key}|rankv{ip_version}'.format(date = date,
histo_key = source, ip_version = c.ip_version)
to_return = {'source': source, 'date': date, 'top_list': []}
ranks = h.__history_db_cache.zrevrange(histo_key, 0, limit, True)
if ranks is None:
return to_return
if not with_sources:
to_return['top_list'] = ranks
p = h.__history_db_cache.pipeline(False)
[p.smembers('|'.join([date, rank[0]])) for rank in ranks]
to_return['top_list'] = zip(ranks, p.execute())
return to_return